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Cinco Panes
Programs / Cinco Panes

A Food Distribution Ministry
Cinco Panes (or Five Loaves) is LUCHA's food distribution ministry that addresses food insecurity and serves the most vulnerable immigrant families. It operates on a hybrid-style model with no fixed pantry location, is client-managed and similar to a food co-op, and distributes foods that are most in demand by a Latino immigrant population.
Cinco Panes takes what we have been given, asks the Lord to bless these resources, and brings volunteers together in community to share with each other and with others.

Cinco Panes...
Provides culturally-appropriate foods (rice, dry black, red, or pinto beans, Maseca, fresh fruits and vegetables)
Prioritizes migrant families with limited access to other assistance
Serves persons who are experiencing a crisis (illness, reduction in income, change in family structure or living situation)
Operates on a weekly basis
Offers volunteer and leadership opportunities to persons with limited English proficiency

Beyond providing food assistance, we also connect families to other services, offer educational resources on nutrition, and engage with community partners to ensure that migrant and refugee families have access to foods that they consider staples.

Our Team
Cinco Panes is managed by a team of native Spanish-speaking volunteers who understand Latino culture and get to know our clients on a personal basis. They understand the unique needs and food preferences of our clients and prepare food boxes appropriate for a client's specific circumstances.
Volunteers have regularly trained in the safe handling and distribution methods of foods. They follow COVID-19 protocols to protect volunteers and clients.